
diciottofebbraio aviation advisory specializes in the following categories of value propositions:
- Structure (design) and construction (implementation) of strategic and industrial plans (income statement, balance sheet, income statement and financial arrangements and their consequences on business, marketing, finance, organization, production) for aviation & aerospace companies;
Industry-specific consulting projects for airports (for example, supporting the launch of new routes, mapping, developing and reconfigurin retailing, cost optimization, support for the creation of master contracts and program support plans for granting the airport's concession);
- Industry-specific consulting projects for airlines (for example: support to start-up, BPR, cost optimisation, re-engineering of current value proposition, marketing boost) in the commercial, cargo and business jet clusters;
- Destination management projects for regions and territories within place& tourism marketing designs, with airports playing a catalyser role;
- Customer Value Management projects (analysis, measurement and delivery of customer value in key revenue-enhancing for the company) for aviation &aerospace companies;
- Financial advisory for assessing enterprise value, debt restructuring, privatization/sale of shares and /or IPO for aviation &aerospace companies;
- Project management consulting specialist on cost optimization for business aviation &aerospace;
- Expert opinion and strategic /commercial due diligence on aviation &aerospace companies;
- Qualitative and quantitative market research studies ti support aviation &aerospace companies;
- Advisory support for associations in the Aviation & Aerospace clusters,

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